Monday, September 24, 2012

A New Handsome Fellow

Not much has happened in rat-land since I left Las Cruces.  Truth be told, I'd been feeling really depressed about rats in general, and especially rescue, for a while.  Losing Einstein really knocked me off course, and since they I've felt pretty lost.  I was down to three -- Amadeus, Ginji and Ban -- and had completely planned to leave it at that for the rest of their natural lives. 

Until I went into Petsmart today and met this fellow:

I haven't picked out a name for him yet.  He is a BIG handsome boy, very sweet and cuddly.  Apparently he's been there for eight months and has never attracted any attention from shoppers.  He had a problem with being bullied by his cage mates for a while, so we'll see if we have any problems with intros.  He's a tremendous, lovey cuddlebug though, and he gives great kisses. 

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