Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Rat Cage Set-Up

Here's where it all happens!

One day, I hope to move into a larger apartment (or a house) where I can have an office/rat room.  I like to daydream about having a room where I can let the rats free-roam while I write.  In the meantime, the rats get to share my bedroom with me and my boyfriend (who very patiently puts up with all of their antics, even the wee-hours-of-the-morning squeaking and tussling and water bottle rattling). 

I've got two main cage set-ups.  The first, the "big cage," is currently housing Basil, Socrates, and Normoth. 

It's a Superpets "My First Home" cage for ferrets.  It's 2' x 2' x 3' and has 1" bar spacing, which I have messily wired-over in fabric cloth in an attempt to keep Einstein in, but that wasn't enough (he found a way to worm his way out where the door latched) and I hate the cloth so I'm working on taking it back off.  The cage is big enough to comfortably house 6-7 rats. 

The other cage is smaller, although I haven't done the measurements, and has 1/2" bar spacing.  I've got 4 rats in it right now; I had intended to only keep 3 in there, but they were all so happy together I just left them as-is.  Eventually I'll probably make a push to house them all together.  Maybe when I finally buy the Criter Nation cage I'm hoping for.

Generally, my rat cages are all furnished in recycled stuff.  I hold onto all my boxes and cartons from the kitchens, and give them to the rats.  I also give them newspaper for bedding (although there's usually a layer of absorbent pellets below) and they rather enjoy shredding it.  I've got a few hammocks that have been received as gifts, but usually I make my own by stringing up pants legs, old shirts, or whatever other bits of old clothes I have floating around.

The rats don't mind.

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